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Graduate School of Economics

English-based Master's Degree Program

In this program, students select the main and secondary study fields from three study fields based on their research theme. It enables students to take a systematic course and acquire a high level of expertise and a broad perspective.

Study Field Selection

Students are required to decide the main and secondary study field at the time when they proceed to “Seminar Ⅱ”.
Changes of the study fields are allowed only when students change the research theme and their advisors deem it necessary. Students can change their study field until the start of "Seminar IV", but not allowed thereafter.

Three study fields are available:

  1. theory and history;
  2. application and policy;
  3. international economy.

Elective Subjects

Each study field offers a set of subjects from which students can select in accordance with their respective advisors guidance. For the content of the subjects, please check the lecture outline.

*Simultaneous study fields’ elective subjects ( students of different fields can choose these subjects)

Completion Requirements

  1. 1. Students are required to earn at least 32 credits which must include 8 credits from Seminars, 8 credits from subjects in the main study field, and 6 credits from the subjects in the secondary study field.
    SeminarⅠ・Ⅱ・Ⅲ・Ⅳ 8 credits
    Subjects in the main field 8 credits
    Subjects in the secondary field 6 credits
    Others 10 credits
    Total 32 credits
  2. Students must complete their master’s thesis and pass the oral examination. Before submitting the master’s thesis, students must make public presentations on their research at least two times at "Joint Seminar" (which are held twice a year, ref. timeline of the process).

Process to acquire master’s degree

The timeline for the completion of the degree is as follows in each year:

-First year-

Registration of subjects, determination of academic advisor
Withdrawal procedure (if necessary)
Presentation at Joint Seminar
Study field decision

-Second year-

Registration of subjects
Presentation at Joint Seminar
Submission of master’s thesis title
Submission of master’s thesis
Master's thesis oral exam
Degree conferral ceremony

Research support / learning environment

Photocopy cards and book coupons

We provide photocopy cards to use on photocopy machines in the buildings equipped with in the university campus. In addition, a purchasing coupon for books will be provided to support such expenditure.

Graduate students room

Each graduate school has a students’ common room. We have prepared necessary documents and personal computers according to the characteristics of each graduate school.

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